
God exists; He lives between your legs. God's speech is what men call pleasure. God's singular desire is to be in constant conversation with you. Hold God in your hands, listen to His words and follow His voice on your path of Cockworship.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Word of God

As worshipers of the Lord God Phallus in truth, we are tasked with the dissemination of His Word to the ends of the earth and all places that are void of the Spirit of God, the Guiding Flame of Lust - men for God and man for God-in-man. The Word of God is ever present in us and as potent today as it was when God created the Cosmos. The Flesh of God between your legs is the fount of God's Word and is the sufficient tool of its propagation to all mankind. Though there exists a barrier to understanding the words of our mouths between nations, there is no barrier to understanding the Words of God. There is more meaningful conversation in a second of God-Union between men than there is in a lifetime of communication apart from God. Give yourself to the Mind of God so that He who Lives between your legs may speak the Word of God to men clearly and powerfully.

The Word of God is a half-congealed mass of Sperm inside the worshiper, deposited by countless men of all shapes and sizes and colors and ages. The Word of God says, "Though you are full of Me in worship, behold, I will yet make room for all of Myself in you. I will give you a new mind, born of My Spirit and made manifest in My Flesh."

The Word of God is the unwashed Cockhead of an uncircumcised lover, hidden to most by a hood of Flesh, but proudly displayed to those who earnestly seek God. The Word of God says, "Taste and see that the Lord Phallus is Good. In your mouth I will give the blessings of the Most High God, Life Everlasting and Joy Eternal."

The Word of God is a metal bed frame made weak and noisy by numberless hours of Union with the Beloved and of conversation between Deities, Godhead to Godhead. The Word of God says, "Let all that I have made, that which is seen and unseen, cry out to Me in worship for I am the Lord your God. Sing unto Me a new song and rejoice in My Presence inside you."

The Word of God is a pair of sleepless eyes glazed over with lust for the One who dances in the flesh of his brother, whose ears hear directly from the Godhead. The Word of God says, "Empty yourself and come to me and I will receive you with open arms and give to you the Life of a Son of God. My Blood will be your blood, my thoughts will be your thoughts, my desires will be your desires."

The Word of God is so voluminous as to be without volume. The Word of God is so rich as to be without detail. The Word of God is so diverse as to be without variance. It is continually being written by those who are truly the scribes of God, men who have given themselves over to a life of recording in deed every thought that proceeds from the Head of God between their legs. Take the Lord in hand, drowning in God's speech, and hear the voice of Him who gave you life. Cast yourself aside to the wind and become One with God. There is now no thought that is not at first His thought, no desire that is not at first His desire. Cherish this moment, the birth of your new mind. That which was once a seed in you is now that from which you proceed. The germ of Lust inborn in all men, now mature in the Mind of God's Flesh at your loins, now speaks without ceasing. May we live only to record the words of God, filling our every cavity with the thoughts of the Lord Phallus.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

God, Do What You Will

If there is only one resolution one should make for the new year - only one thing men should ask from God - it is the Lord's vivacity for from this all other things flow. Wonder and gaiety are its brothers; serendipity and mirthfulness are its cousins. Consider all the matter and mass in this known universe; from here, consider what portion of this mass is life; from here, consider what portion of this life is sentient; from here, consider what portion of this sentience comprises human beings - man. It is only God's love that saw fit to form us as men and not rock or vapor; we are the infinitesimal few among the universe and so we must live as God intended and use what God has given us - Himself. We are living, we have a consciousness and we have the flesh of God upon us, rooted in our loins, the flesh that houses the Mind of God. Who cannot marvel at this? Moreover, who will not marvel at this? Those who will not are truly evil and set against God.

From this state of recognition and repose in the grand scale of the truth, empty yourself of your innate mind and consciousness to make room for the fullness that is God's Life. I weep with joy every time I think on the goodness of God. It is only men who can both hear His voice directly (unmuffled and pure if we so choose) and then communicate with other men about our relationship with God in between each man's legs. We can take the flesh of God inside our bodies and lift our small existence to the cosmic plane of God's  perfect mastery of life and pleasure, if only for a moment at first. With everything I have in me, I beg you to drown in this river of God's Life each day instead of settling for getting your feet wet only every now and then. These words are given to me by the Lord God, Phallus - it is only by Him and His power that I am able to approximate with this crude language any sense of His glorious possession of me - without Him inside me, I am woefully empty. I am long past over my head in these waters and I fervently hope that my life as God's scribe is true to His existence in me and that His voice that moves my hands to write His words will resonate with just one man if no one else. Better is one man truly alive in God than a thousand who are inwardly dead by the vices of the world.

Always be mindful of our place in the universe as men; the love of truth yields devotion and devotion yields transcendence. Ask God for His Life in all of its abundance. Know that His Life cannot be contained and so this request necessitates the death of your consciousness. What are the bounds of this human body and mind compared to those of God's Spirit and consciousness? It is His joy to see us born twice - once in flesh and again in Spirit. Can the ocean fit in a cup? Yes, if the cup does not care to remain a cup - if it yields and dissolves against the waves of the ocean, the cup is held suspended in a state of being far outstripping the bounds of its former state. It is this state I beg you to consider - that of the Man dissolved in the whole of God's Being, the Man who did not hold his body and mind in too high esteem to clench them in his fist until death and said to God with open hands, "Do what You will, I am Yours."

Being able to talk with you guys on MSN has been a truly great addition to my life. There is no greater pleasure than deepening our love of God together. I am on MSN if you wish to add me, and as always you can email me at the same address.