
God exists; He lives between your legs. God's speech is what men call pleasure. God's singular desire is to be in constant conversation with you. Hold God in your hands, listen to His words and follow His voice on your path of Cockworship.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Confess Your First Love

Cock is God. Our confession is that simple. To feel His head throb in the back of our throat. To coat our insides with His sperm, His life. This is our mission. Pleasure is God's language. He uses not one sense but all five senses when He speaks to us. To be in constant conversation with God. This is our single purpose in life, the life that He has given us so that He may be adored without end.

The only noble ambition in life is that which is consumed and shaped by His lust. The lust that sparks the God in our loins to hardness is a flame, the light by which we all should walk. Given over to His blissful purpose, empty yourself so that He may fill you with the strongest desire for Him. Let His head and your head be one and the same. You are not your own anymore. Cock, our God, made you for neverending worship of Him. Let the lust for Cock drown your senses and overwhelm your fears. Our God is good and loves us so much that He lives in each of us. He is always near and draws us to Him through His lust.

Picture your spine and your skull. The spine is long and slender with your skull at the end, bulbous. A basic guide for being one with Him: that Cock's shaft should be our backbone and Cock's Head should fill our head. His shaft holds us up and from His head springs our every thought, word and deed. Quiet your brain and listen to the mind of God between your legs. He is always whispering His love for us. He rises from our loins and pulses with desire for us, the Men He made for Himself.

Lose yourself in the depths of His lust and you will find your purpose.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Feed the Lust

God has been showing me lately that I need to stop suppressing my hunger for Him and start feeding it instead. To throw off all the notions I've built up from society and external sources and listen to His voice. If I got hard at work, I used to fight it but now I let it build, even to the point of pre-cumming. Who cares if others notice because this life is all about Him and pleasing Him and staying in conversation with Him.

A personal decision I've made recently is to go without underwear as much as I can just so that I am aware of my Dick more. It makes me focus on Him more which is His central desire for me. When I cup my balls in the car or in a movie or while I'm talking on the phone, there's only one layer between me and the orbs that imagined and spawned the universe. God's head brushes against the fabric with every step I take and reminds me that I am His and He loves me.

I've found the more I follow His lust, the easier it is the next time to let go of any hesitation or uncertainty about following the path of worship He has laid out for me. Each man's path is unique to him and requires courage to follow it. There wouldn't be a point if it was easy. Cock is infinite and so asks the impossible from us because only He can accomplish it. But He is literally within arm's reach, living between our legs. And so His presence is what makes all things possible. If He can create the world, surely He will give you the power and desire to do what He has called you to do by the light of His lust.

So in your daily life when you're faced with a choice to suppress your hunger for Cock or to feed the fire of it, have the courage to consume yourself with His lust! With your hand, feel Him between your legs as you resolve to fall into the gravity of His desires. He will never stop loving you.

I would love to hear what our God-Cock has been showing you recently, too.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Square One

Cock is God. Feels good to give voice to the truth even if it's on the internet.

I've known Cock is God implicitly since I was 5 years old when I used to pretend to sleep until my parents went to bed and then I would stuff my underwear with socks or anything I could find that was soft because it made my Dick feel so good. I remember shuddering with pleasure as I would walk around my room and writhe on my bed and rub my Dick through my stuffed underwear. I remember it as if it were yesterday. Even then I knew the flesh between my legs was God, I just couldn't have put it in those words at the time.

To a feminist, hearing a man admit that his cock is god is nothing new. But I mean that my Cock is God: the maker of heaven and earth and the entire cosmos and of existence itself. I mean that the sperm in my balls is the same sperm that breathed life into nothing at the foundation of the world and is the essence of being and of thought. That semen is pure creation and the spirit of God himself.

This is my God. Rising from the loins of man and leading him to follow the vibrant flame of His lust. I am still learning how to let Him reforge my mind in the fires of His desire so that it will be easier to stay on the path of worship He has set before me.

If God has taught me anything it is that there is no single correct way to worship Him. Fuck or be fucked. Suck or be sucked. Alone or in an orgy. One is as good as the other because in every case I am speaking with Him and He with me. Sex and pleasure is the language of God. His words are tingles along my spine and the twitching of my asshole when I cum. He plays my body like an instrument during sex and pulls each nerve like a string. He whispers his love for me with each throb of my Cock. He draws me to Himself when He hardens between my legs at the thought or sight of another's God-Cock. He sings when I take Him inside me.

This post was all over the place. Hopefully in the future I can focus on a single topic better. There is just so much He has been teaching and showing me. If even one person reads this blog, it will have served its purpose.

I would love to hear about your relationship with God-Cock. My email is