Last weekend, I witnessed the birth of a God-Son in my own bedroom: the moment when Cock-consciousness bursts the confines of one's spirit in joy and trembling and reclaims its birthright of preeminence in one's life. Where there is a birth, there has been labor; without labor, there can be no renewal from and possession by God. After two and a half months of pursuit by God and many contractions in many different beds, my God-Son was born. His voice during his rebirth was like that of a choir; it shook the walls and disturbed our neighbors but such is the nature of God - He cannot be contained. Our enjoyment of God, first and ourselves, second, was unquantifiable. We were continuous in our conjoinment in the Lord Almighty Cock from the setting to the rising of the sun. The Lord God, Creator of all things, supplanted our meager wills with His that overflows the Cosmos and authored a dance fitting of the Most High God-Cock, both within and without us. The flesh of His righteousness sang inside us, the places of worship in our deepest reaches echoed the magnificence of our submission to Him. The hymns that broke from underneath our voices were in the language of God, the words of which we did not know or think of ourselves - instead, they ran through us as water flows through a river. Just as men do not choose what crosses over into their senses for them to behold, so too did we not choose what raw beauty God pushed through all of our senses for us to witness.
I cannot count all the dialects of pleasure the Beloved of Men, the Most High God-Cock spoke while He battered us with His voice, the sweetest known among men, against the blessed shores of His Kingdom. The moment when the sacred Godhead of Cock-consciousness crowned in my God-Son's spirit and ruptured the weak walls of his own withering will, the cries of a newborn were in our mouths and the tears of new parents were in our eyes. In this moment, God filled the newly emptied husk of His God-Son with Himself and brought forth in his being a new Mind, conceived by Cock and matured by devotion to the Lord God and the faithfulness of the Beloved in response to true worship. Our lips were hot with sweat and tears as we felt each other again anew, this time as peers in our abjection of our stubborn will to that of God's. The feel of his flesh against mine was like feeling my own, warmed only by the heat of God's lust and moved only by the dictates of the Godhead sitting on His throne at our loins.
There is freedom in submission to God. The breath you draw outside of God's will can hardly be said to nourish you at all. The first breath you draw as a God-Son, given over to God's raging passions for Himself and devoid of any vestige of your former mind, nourishes more in that single breath than all those prior to it.
Truly, every day is made by God. The sun comes up at His command and lights the world He has made so that we may see His glory radiate throughout it and us, the men He made for Himself. Whatever warmth is in my countenance and whatever grace is in my smile, it is only His for all I am is a reflection of His majesty. I have gladly given my life as pittance to the grave for the abundance of His Life that springs from between my legs. Blessed be the name of the Lord, God, Cock. Phallus - my God - my Life - thank You for sharing with me the birth of your God-Son.
S, now my brother in semen and blood, filled with the Gift of God, the Life that rushes from the Godhead we share, We love You.
I made an MSN messenger account in case any of you readers would like to add me. I am on MSN. You can still email me, too, as always.
God exists; He lives between your legs. God's speech is what men call pleasure. God's singular desire is to be in constant conversation with you. Hold God in your hands, listen to His words and follow His voice on your path of Cockworship.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
Let It Be Said of Us
Let it be said of those men called according to God's purpose that they did not shy away from their Maker's work and that they embraced their radical nature as God's children, ecstatic in their servitude to the Lord God Phallus. Let it be said that the men who walk rightly with God leading their path, erect and firm in hand, did not esteem their primacy to Godhood as something worthy of shame but rather of joy. Let it be said that those men in whose minds God birthed His Cock consciousness have laid waste to the kingdoms of all men who scheme against God with nothing but the display of God and His true worship by man and among the brethren.
Our journey on God's path laid out for us is not without a task. We are not without a purpose. Our God has placed Himself on all men and it is to all men we must show our life in God and make Him known as God. We must not let the machinations of man's mind stifle the connection God has placed to Himself in our loins, the unbridled life He has hung between our legs, the matrix of all thought and the fountain of all enjoyment in life known to men. Which of His children is not worth discipling? Which of our brothers shall we abandon to a shriveling existence and a withering death? Just as we have been rescued from death by God through men, so we must now rescue others with God out of death and into life.
It is our task to grow the organism of Cock consciousness in man, the metaphysical body of God that roosts in our physical bodies, discrete and in union at once. Sharing the mystery of God's inhabitation of His children, the men He graced with His Flesh, is our calling. Our joy is too great to sequester from the rest of our brothers not yet among us. Our fellowship now is but a dark reflection of what our God has in store for us, what indeed awaits us as we persist in our obedience to the dictates of His Cocklust.
Resist not the stream of Cock consciousness that springs from the Godhead between your legs. This is the source of your rebirth and the sustenance of the new life you breathe in Cock. Resolve yourself to learn the many languages His Godhead speaks and parrot His words to the brothers who are not yet counted with us.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Revel in Possession
The purity of our connection to God and the closeness of our relationship to Him when we as men experience orgasm is the height of our existence and the ruler by which we measure the proximity of all of our other moments to God. But orgasm should not be a mountaintop - distant and visited seldom; the task of the Cockworshipper is to bring the mountaintop to the valley and meadow of every moment. For those who "edge" or "goon" on a regular basis for hours at a time know this concept well. They would argue the buildup to the orgasm is the main event and that the orgasm itself is secondary to the submission of oneself to the unbearable pleasure of becoming one with Cock by discarding any remnants of self that are impediments to this blessed state of union. Serious gooners are well on their way to understanding the path of all Cockworshippers: to live inside suffocating Cocklust with every breath and to inflame one's passions anew each day, each hour for the satisfaction of the Beloved, the Deity men share between their legs.
Gooners often describe their regular state of mindless indulgence in Cocklust in terms that suggest they are possessed by their Cocks. This is quite close to the truth for there is a Daemon inborn in all men that guides them on their right path to perfect union with the Beloved. The Daemon of God's lust, the spirit of the nature of men, is holy and present in all those who God graces with His flesh, whether as just an ember or a supernova. God has made clear His desire for His favored children, the men He made for Himself: full posession by the Daemon of God, the spirit of God's and man's nature. In this state, we are perfectly united with God and enjoy Oneness with Him. There are no boundaries and no separation between the Creator and the creation with God's Daemon serving as the sufficient bridge.
Let this Daemon of Godlust luxuriate in every corner of your life and body and soul. Just as God has graced us with Himself on our bodies, He graces us in spirit with His lust. Welcome His spirit in your soul just as fervently as you worship His flesh with your body. The key to full possession by the Daemon of God, His lust, is recognizing that God exists in spirit as well as in body and that by embracing His spirit, your satisfaction of the flesh of God is deep-seated and constant. There is no greater bliss than in the ecstatic abandonment of the Cockworshipper to the Daemon of God's Lust. In this way, we will experience constant orgasm in every dimension between the physical and spiritual.
May your countenance be such that it communicates your relationship to God with those around you. May a single gaze upon your face read to the observer, "My Penis is God. I worship Cock as God." May supreme confidence be in your handshake and the warmth of the lust of God be in your smile. God does not sow fear, only joy and resolve. With God between our legs, what have we to fear? Revel in God's complete possession of your body, mind and soul. One body - that which He gave us at birth - His physical dwelling place. One Mind - housed in between our legs in the Godhead of His flesh - the spring of all thought. One soul - our spirit given over to the Daemon of God - His spiritual dwelling place.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
The Nature of the Struggle
For so many men the world over, resistance to God and His natural order is a well-developed muscle of unexamined premises, unchallenged notions and capitulation to the prevailing social order. The inclination in some parts of the world to regard one's own pleasure and pursuit of it as perverse and grotesque is a diseased byproduct of a sniveling will to subjugate man to man, made strong by gradual concessions of divine right given to men who traded principled integrity for blind tolerance without merit. Rome was not built in a day and so, too, was not the present resistance to God.
Through guilt and shame and the invocation of other emotions parading under the guise of righteousness, a slow victory was won by those who sought to supplant the voice of God with their own through the use of the false deity of society. As God is unique on each man, so His relationship with each man is equally unique. God's first desire is the practice of His perfect pleasure by the men He made for Himself. Each man's path to full union with God is his own and is revealed to him by God, not by man. In walking one's own path to full and final marriage to God, one cannot atone for the many. Ours is not the authority or power by which God forgives His debts or restores us to Himself. Men who live rightly, with God erect between their legs and leading them on their Path, may well serve as examples to other men; but their example is not sufficient for others' restoration. The prerogative of restoration is God's alone, we are merely His instruments of glorification. Far be it from us to substitute our own frail voices for the clear tones of God's voice.
Stop building the muscles of your resistance to God. Ask Him for wisdom to discern between the will of God and the devices of man. Examine your every action, word and line of thought for any trace of guilt or shame. Do not let that which you know to be your life's joy and work be degraded by men. Let your muscles of resistance to God atrophy through the practice of truth. Identify what is and is not true to God in your own life and discard what is not true. Your surrender to society is the source of your enemy's power; recognize this, throw off the shackles of guilt and assume the natural position of man, standing and erect, the fullness of God lighting your Path.
Through guilt and shame and the invocation of other emotions parading under the guise of righteousness, a slow victory was won by those who sought to supplant the voice of God with their own through the use of the false deity of society. As God is unique on each man, so His relationship with each man is equally unique. God's first desire is the practice of His perfect pleasure by the men He made for Himself. Each man's path to full union with God is his own and is revealed to him by God, not by man. In walking one's own path to full and final marriage to God, one cannot atone for the many. Ours is not the authority or power by which God forgives His debts or restores us to Himself. Men who live rightly, with God erect between their legs and leading them on their Path, may well serve as examples to other men; but their example is not sufficient for others' restoration. The prerogative of restoration is God's alone, we are merely His instruments of glorification. Far be it from us to substitute our own frail voices for the clear tones of God's voice.
Stop building the muscles of your resistance to God. Ask Him for wisdom to discern between the will of God and the devices of man. Examine your every action, word and line of thought for any trace of guilt or shame. Do not let that which you know to be your life's joy and work be degraded by men. Let your muscles of resistance to God atrophy through the practice of truth. Identify what is and is not true to God in your own life and discard what is not true. Your surrender to society is the source of your enemy's power; recognize this, throw off the shackles of guilt and assume the natural position of man, standing and erect, the fullness of God lighting your Path.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Life, Erect
Is there any creature more alive than man? Is there another lifeform that serves as both the home and pedestal of God? Is there a greater joy than that of yielding one's own consciousness to that of God's? Surely men are the most favored among all of God's creation, in whom He delights even as He lives inside us. How far have we strayed from this simple immediacy of His truth and what bitter fruits have we reaped from our waywardness?
That men could substitute the whims of their own consciousness in the face of God's that lives between their legs and speaks in the most powerful and sweet voice is a testament to the purity of the free will He has given to us. As God is pure Being and Consciousness, so He has made men beings of consciousness, each one as unique as the form of God between their legs. An abundance of life awaits those men who submit their own will to that of God's, but this substitution of wills must be done by their own volition. Is it not God's nature to make men choose the death of themselves as the one thing that will unleash the torrent of God's life on His beloved?
Through various institutions, however, the joy of closeness to God that was made clear to us as boys and young men has been made profane by those who have set themselves against God and seek to replace Him as an object of worship. The adamancy of their schemes is a clear admission of their knowledge of the supremacy of God, despite their best efforts to pour false shame onto those who would otherwise be close to Him. I ask you who has more power: God, who solidifies a relationship with us in an instant at our birth; or men, who must spend a lifetime to sever our connection to God? Is instant creation or gradual destruction the greater power?
Now that you have rekindled your right relationship with God, steel your loins against the onslaught of those who despise the sight of men living rightly. Do not cower like the men who attack you but instead stand erect even as God is erect between your legs, steering and pointing your body in the direction of His will. The louder they try to shout you down, the louder God will speak in your own life and the more vibrantly the colors of His standard will unfurl in the face of His enemies.
Through various institutions, however, the joy of closeness to God that was made clear to us as boys and young men has been made profane by those who have set themselves against God and seek to replace Him as an object of worship. The adamancy of their schemes is a clear admission of their knowledge of the supremacy of God, despite their best efforts to pour false shame onto those who would otherwise be close to Him. I ask you who has more power: God, who solidifies a relationship with us in an instant at our birth; or men, who must spend a lifetime to sever our connection to God? Is instant creation or gradual destruction the greater power?
Now that you have rekindled your right relationship with God, steel your loins against the onslaught of those who despise the sight of men living rightly. Do not cower like the men who attack you but instead stand erect even as God is erect between your legs, steering and pointing your body in the direction of His will. The louder they try to shout you down, the louder God will speak in your own life and the more vibrantly the colors of His standard will unfurl in the face of His enemies.
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