These 2 GIFs give a brief glimpse of the Paradise God is working towards through men. An asshole stretched by numberless Cocks - so full of Sperm and for so long that it has become syrup. The top fights so hard not to flex his Cock, so close is he to orgasm and so warm is he inside the blinding hot cocoon of lust that God has for Himself. In this man's effort to stay in this sacred place of mindlessness (full subservience to the will of God), he expels some of the Sperm that fills his insides, deposited by countless men. The bottom is so lost in the joy of delirious servitude to Cock that without thought he uses every muscle he has to milk the essence of Life from God even though he is already full to the brim with others' Sperm. Brothers, this is just a dark reflection of the joy of unity that God is bringing about, man by man, on this earth. These men are colorless, faithless and ageless. Through those that truly seek Him, God is closing every gap between men from all over the world.
It's been an absolute joy to hear from you and counsel so many of you in your Cockworship, regardless of whether you're a beginner or a longtime worshiper. Write any time -